Thursday, September 20, 2007

Going Bananas

Just a quick hit here. Reese's has been putting out some crazy peanut butter cup combinations over the last 2 years. Some have been good, some not as good. But good gravy did they nail it this time. They now have the "THE King Size" Elvis themed PB cups with banana cream and they are just what the doctor ordered. They loveliness is housed in the Big Cup chassis so you get the normal amount of PB as in the standard cups, and an equal amount of banana cream.
I picked these up last week at a deli on the way to work and flipped when I had them. I bought the last pack Monday and am afraid to eat them in case I can't find any more.

Crappy phone pic here (sorry it's the best I could do at work:


Cake said...

I think I gained two pounds just reading about that.

No, wait, that was probably the hash browns I had for breakfast...

I Ain't No Oprah said...

You got them at the Deli? Are they kosher?

(I've seen them in numerous locations...go ahead eat them)

bacon ace said...

Just so I understand the question; you're asking someone that lives on bacon what is, or is not, "kosher"?

Sparkle Plenty said...

WOWWWWWWW...I wonder if you could slap 'em between a coupla slices of white bread and make a grilled Reese's sandwich?

BaconBaconBaconnnnnnn! How many little gangs do I have to amass for this scene from The Warriors? Which scene are you requesting?

bacon ace said...

I didn't request a scene...I requested the film. However any scene would do. You gotta start somewhere right?

Grilled pb cups w/banana sammich? Not only will I do this when I acquire some more of the little discs of heaven but I will photograph and blog about it.

P.S. I love that "blog" is a verb.

Sparkle Plenty said...

Okay. I saw The Warriors a billion years ago. I'll need to netflix (verb!) it. It's just gonna be one scene 'though. (I look forward to seeing your experiment in grilled reesesology.)

Clinky said...

I want an Italian Meatball Sub! That's what I ordered, that's what I want!

bacon ace said...

Clinky, do you want banana PB cups with that?