Friday, March 7, 2008


Have you ever woken up and the instant you're concious you already have a song stuck in your head? This morning that happened to me with the Hanna Barbera's World of Super Adventure theme. Two things about that:

1) Everything seemed very urgent the instant I woke up.

2) My life now seems very boring compared to that show.


Lois Lane said...

This is just AWE (wait for it...)SOME!

When we were on vacation last fall, the house we rented had DirectTV, which carries Boomerang (which we don't have on Comcast at home). They show this kind of stuff 24/7 and we could barely peel Jak-El away from the TV, he was lovin' it so much.

And now I've got the old Super Friends theme running through my brain, complete with Ted Knight's voice over.

I Ain't No Oprah said...

I'm too old.

I wish my Mom aborted me.

Redbeard76 said...


bacon ace said...
