Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hate the bunny not the game


So I got this rather disturbing card from my ex-girlfriend recently. I'm not even going to go into the ramblings of an insane woman that she put inside it. I have to say that after 2.5 years and all the love that was there it was pretty hard to see this. I mean, I treated her really well and even during the break up I was still nice to her while she was terrible to me. I couldn't figure out why she was so damn mad at me. Then I saw an advertisement for this on the way to work today:


I realized it wasn't me she was directing all this ire towards but the Blue Bunny itself. He's the "bastard" in question. It all makes sense now. Maybe she developed some level of lactose intolerance during the breakup and wanted to let me know that her irrational behavior was due to her intestinal discomfort. Don't you see folks? Well I for one am glad this mystery was solved. For a minute there I entertained the notion that she really thought ill of me.


bacon ace said...

Wait, you mean the bunny right?

Cake not signed in said...

The bunny wants ice cream!?

Cake still not signed in said...

I'm sorry about the circumstances that led to it but...I'm glad you're posting again.