Friday, December 21, 2007

Tales of taco time

Every Thursday after gaming* with my friends we head to The Iguana Cantina around the corner from the game store we play at for free tacos.** This works out nicely, just buy a drink after 10:00 and you can go up to the taco buffet and make as many free tacos that you can handle (keep the free part in mind).
So last night my friend Frod*** was sitting on my left when I had the sudden urge to reach over with my right hand, slap the taco from his hand as he was raising it to his mouth while yelling “TACOHAMMER”. The taco slapped back down on the plate it came from and bounced onto the table. All 12 of us laughed hysterically, all except Frod that is. He got up and made himself another free taco then sat back down far down the table from me. Then I realized he was actually pissed. What’s the problem, the tacos are free, I didn’t get any one him, nobody was hurt and we all had a good laugh. After explaining it to him like that he reluctantly started laughing at and appreciating the situation.
So to sum up I have a new nickname: TACOHAMMER!
*We play Warhammer 40K, an incredibly geeks venture where we buy gaming models, and paint them, as well as creating terrain and tabletops to play on.
** This is the totally Iranian version of Buddy Night
***His name’s not really “Frod” but we do have to protect the innocent after all.


Cake said...

You can't give yourself your own nickname.

Sorry, I don't make the rules...Cthulhu does.

bacon ace said...

I didn't the group tha twas with me did. Sheesh, who do you think you're dealing with?

Anonymous said...

He wasn't mad that you wrecked his taco, he was mad that you screwed up his taco eating time.

Less time=less tacos.

asian cowgirl said...

If anything I might be preparing for a showdown with Handy smurf...I mean, the hammer is his talisman...see the thing is, it's really all he's got to set himself apart from average smurfitude.

Just be careful out there Ace.

yours absosmurfly,
Asian cowgirl

Anonymous said...

Yer just ASKIN' to be put ON NOTICE, Mr. Ace.