Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Porch cookies

Monday morning I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing at 8:00 AM. Who would call me at 8:00 AM? My mother that’s who. She called to tell me that she just stopped by to drop off some Christmas cookies she’d made (she works 2 blocks from my place) but my porch door was locked and she had to get going so she left them on the stairs. I thought this was odd for a few reasons:
1) My porch door wasn’t locked.
2) Why not call me from the porch and wait until I came out?
3) Why leave them on the front stairs? Why not the back porch especially since she was also leaving cards for my cousins that I’ll see this weekend with money or gift certificates or something inside?

The end result is that I love my mother and it doesn’t matter what she does, or when she wakes me up as long as she keeps making be home made cookies.


Cake said...

I wish someone would leave cookies on MY porch.


bacon ace said...

Sorry Cake,
My mom doesn't know where you live and,well, I did mention her time crunch. A quit jaunt to Canada would totally have blown her timetable.

Cake said...

Her priorities are all wrong, that's all I have to say.

Cookies for Canada definitely takes precedence over getting to work on time.

Lois Lane said...

"Cookies for Canada"

Wasn't that one of those benefits Bob Geldof organized in the 1980s?

Cake said...

Now that's a benefit I could get behind!

bacon ace said...


"Now that's a benefit that'll give me a fat behind"

Cake said...

Dear NoOprah:

Please slap Bacon Ace next time you see him. He sassed Canada!

Thanking you in advance,


bacon ace said...

Wait, how did I sass Canada exactly?

Sparkle Plenty said...

What was on the plate? I'm hoping: Bacon truffles, bacon biscotti, bacon shortbread, bacon thumbprints, bacon fudge, baconbread men?
