Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shit is gonna go down!

Breaking blog news. An update to an earlier report.
So it looks like Mr. Rage is being cut loose today. Shortly even. Yes, the irate ‘Nam vet is being let go from employment at my company sometime today. It’s like a ticking time bomb. This could end very badly. No, it will end very badly. Look, I’ve seen First Blood. I know how this shit is going to go down.

To all my readers, if I end up being taken out in a wild rage or M60 rounds and/or “canned heat” know you all that I love you.


Anonymous said...

You're first on the list, bub!

Sparkle Plenty said...

I'd suggest slipcovering yourself in kevlar camo and try crawling out of the building, but it might give him flashbacks? Plus, I'm not sure how many kevlar delivery services there are. (Note to you: If you're going to work in Corporate America, keep your kevlar camo stashed in your bottom drawer.)

bacon ace said...

Well, everyone's alive so far but je could just be biding his time. You know, waiting for the munitions to come UPS or something.

Cake said...

Sooooo...what happened in the end?

bacon ace said...

Apprently shit did not go down. Which is very good.

Lois Lane said...

Slacker!!!! ;-)

The Silver Fox said...

You'd better post something before IANO drops you from his links list again.

Just sayin'.