Thursday, December 6, 2007

Power scales

We've all heard the saying "The pen is mightier than the sword”. However, I’d like to submit that for the very same reasons the computer is mightier than the pen (and faster too). Think how powerful you’d be if you had a computer and most other people only had a pen.

Note to self: sell extremely not-powerful sword at home and buy a second computer. Be mightier.


Sparkle Plenty said...

The delete key is the mightiest key of ALL!

bacon ace said...

Especuially when it gangs up with CTRL and ALT?

Redbeard76 said...

Sorry, I thought you said the penis mightier than the sword. Apparently I'm somewhat pervy.


Cake said...

::thinks up a dozen clever but crude comments involving penises and swords...self censors::

How 'bout them Red Sox?

bacon ace said...

No need for any sort of censoring on this blog ya buncha a nutbags.

asian cowgirl said...

Ah the delete key. I would have gotten into a lot of trouble without that.

For example " The PenIS : Mightier than the sword!"

asian cowgirl said...

Though I have to say, I have never seen a computer write a fully convincing love letter.

There's just something about getting something hand written.

But woe is me of few blogs. I must to the futuristic typewriter.

(I am a cowgirl after all - alot of this new-fangled technology shocks and confuses me) (**Makes half-baked excuse for lack of bloggitude**)

davizcuervo said...

well, the fact is that if you are the ONLY person in the whole world with a computer, and the rest have pens your PC´d be useless at his most. Ok, you could manage a load of data bases and number operations, but for the comunication of the results...
The idea would be if you had a N.A.S.A. computer and the rest of the world had a commodore 64.