Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Knock knock knockin' on heaven's door

Ok so what gives people? I work in a professional environment with seemingly well mannered adults. We’re also privileged enough to have private bathrooms in our department, which is very nice. So why is it that in this professional environment with well mannered adults I can’t take a peaceful crap without someone trying the door handle? Dude, KNOCK!
“Well Bacon, you should lock the door”. Yeah thanks chief, I do. That doesn’t change the fact that during a nice sit (that’s typed correctly) it’s totally unnerving to hear someone trying the door handle. It totally throws me out of my groove. Seriously who raised these people?


Cake said...

Everyone in Canada has a private bathroom...it's in our Constitution*. Maybe it's time to consider relocating?

(Anyone who makes the joke "So you have to go all the way to the Constitution to use the private bathroom??" will be summarily fed to the chupacabra. You've been warned.)

Cake said...

Throw an asterix on the stuff in brackets, thanks.**

(**Anyone who asks where Obelix is will also be summarily fed to the chupacabra.)

Sparkle Plenty said...

Where is Obelix?


David M. said...

I never knock, I try the handle once and that's it. and I don't try to break the handle off either.