Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The best use of time

It’s such a sinful pleasure, and I shouldn’t get as much enjoyment or satisfaction out of it as I do, but… I do. There’s just something so right about texting someone while on the hopper. It makes you feel very productive, and it’s a little bit humorous. I had a conversation about this a few days ago and some people were a little grossed out ,but then it kind of made sense to them. Other people completely agreed off the bat so I’m not the pioneer by a long shot, nor am I the only one.
Look, I’m not talking about after or god forbid, during, wiping. That would indeed be rather nasty. Just simply sitting there texting and “taking care of business”.

P.S. I sent NoOprah a text stating “read my blog in 30 minutes” because I know this will somehow skeeve him out. You know how dainty he is.


The Silver Fox said...

My co-worker at my last Crappy Day Job used to take the cordless office phone with her -- she used it for personal calls all day long -- when she'd use the bathroom. I always wondered how sanitary that was for people like myself, after the fact.

Plus, in this case, there's a big difference between texting and actually having a conversation. In the latter example, there's the matter of background noise, shall we say...

So, to some up: Your way, not particularly gross. Her way... yeah, kinda.

The Silver Fox said...

Wow, I must've dozed off... I could swear I just posted that last comment, but it says I posted it three hours ago.

bacon ace said...

Yeah her way is totally gross, and down right inconsiderate.

Yeah since Google is a west coast based company the time is set to PST and I'd been too lazy to change it.

The Silver Fox said...

Yeah, you're maybe the fourth or fifth blogger I've teased about that.

Thanks for the "Christmas" post, by the way. (It's not the subject that counts, it's the timing.) My own Christmas post will be about the Secret -- or not so secret? -- Origin of Rudolph. The real origin, not a goofy RantZy, made up one.

Sorry for the plug.

Cake said...

I have at least one co-worker who talks on the phone while doing "her business." It's beyond gross.

Texting is also gross but I can't quite place why.

People talking over the stall walls to one another...also, also gross.

I've now used the word "gross" more times than the average teenager.

Also, I drank two huge cups of tea at The Other Job tonight and am currently wired. CRAP!

bacon ace said...

OH MY GAWD! You do NOT talk in the bathroom. That is just wrong! No talking o ver stalls. And DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT ask me about that project or delivery date standing beside me at a urinal. Don't even say "hello", just piss and move on amigo.

The Silver Fox said...

(Hm. Somebody else who makes "God" a four-letter word.)

Sparkle Plenty said...

Funny! But, the bathroom is now a phone-free zone ever since I dropped my cell phone in the tub.

(Psst--if you're spending that long on the hopper you should be eating more fiber and less bacon. As one concerned for your health, I say this.)

bacon ace said...

As one concerned for your health I'll say this: don't get between me and my bacon.

The Silver Fox said...

If you cook your bacon until it's realllly well-done, so it splinters into tiny, crunchy shards, isn't that almost like fiber?

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...


At my work the women talk over stalls and talk on cell phones. It is very confusing, sometimes you think a woman is talking to you but they are talking to their lover. And here I was on the crapper think "hey, I might try that" when I realize they were not even talking to me. HOW RUDE!

Once a higher up was talking to another higher up in another office. She wasn't in a stall. But I was. I thought, do I flush and let her be found out or do I waste my whole brake in this stall. I gave her 2 minutes than I flushed.

Then I got to hear her apologize for bring the phone into the water closets to the person on the other side.


I personally, never take phones into the WC.