Thursday, June 5, 2008

I can't drive 55 140

My car's speedometer only goes to 140 MPH. WTF? The car can go much faster than that. The last time I got it up to speed I stopped at 138 MPH seeing as how it would be a waste since I wouldn't actually know how fast I was going. Is this the auto industry's way of passively keeping me from going to "ludicrous speed"?* Why stop there? It could go to 500 MPH. Though then I suppose someone (possibly me) would complain that the speedometer goes to 500 MPH and yet the car does not. There's no pleasing some people.

*My fellow geeks in the audience will get that one.


Cake said...

This just makes me think of the last roadtrip I took with my dad (who should've been a NASCAR driver).

We had a rented car and he accidentally set the speedometer to MPH instead of kilometres...we were doing 130MPH in a 100km/h zone in Quebec when he noticed. That's, oh, more than twice what he should've been doing.

And Quebec literally enforces their speed limits with police in helicopters.

Yes, I still tease him about it...all the time.

Lois Lane said...

It goes to 11.

Sparkle Plenty said...

Cake: Vroooom!
Lois: HAR!
Bacon: I can't imagine going 138--doesn't the flesh on your face shake or something?

bacon ace said...

Oddly just about everything over 100 or 110 feels roughly the same. The fastest I've driven before was 155.

asian cowgirl said...

Holy Sh*&(#!

He's gone to plaid.

- *geek*

(Star geek)

Sparkle Plenty said...

Seems a lot like the same post from back in June...